This month we bring you the second, and final, part of our epic Tomb Raider:
The Last Revelation walkthrough. This game is so absolutely huge that we have developed a unique telegram style (that's short, sharp and to the point) of showing you
how to get Lara to shimmy, twist, turn, crawl, jump,
climb, shoot and kill her
City Of The Dead
Shoot bloke. Nick Revolver.
Ride along street. Turn right
at archway. Get off bike, enter building. Move corpse. Head to bike, go through archway, turn left at junction. Get off, climb up ledge into building. Crawl through hole, pull switch, head back to bike. Drive up hump in middle of street, aiming for barriers. Smash 'em, crash through floor. Drive bike to corridor end, break wall. Get off, enter alcove. Drop into water, follow tunnel. Slide down slope to corpse. Nick laser sight, combine with Revolver. Look for wall crack, shimmy along until hole in wall. Climb in, look into pillar. Snipe pendulum. Run up pink steps, dive in water. Follow current. Climb out, follow passage back to corpse. Now water is frozen - cross and pull switch. Go back to pendulum room, into new door. Climb ledges. Don't drop - hang off ledge, shimmy to right. Leap across street, hang off lever to open gate. Blat blokey, retrieve bike. Head through gate, follow street. Drive up stairs, jump ramp. Follow tunnel. Pull switch on ledge at end. Drive bike up steep slope, emerge in stairway. Opposite is new passage. Enter on foot. Leap across street, enter door. Snipe barrel to destroy guns. Running jump across street to reach switch. Pull it. Retrieve bike, go through open gate. Voilê!
Chambers Of Tulun
Follow street. Jump ravine. Stop at step. Get off bike, enter big south building. Get goodies from corners. Exit, drop bike at level start. Climb back into building through small opening. Run through, nip around corner to trigger Big Dude. Run to room with small opening in south building. Climb blocks, leap to ledge over archway. Leap to crack in west wall, shimmy right. Jump to ladder, shimmy around corners to ledge. Pull lever on roof to trap Big Dude. Leap to ledge, west of rope. Swing on rope to south exit. Drop down hole onto bike. Leap ravine, back to where Big Dude appeared. Yank on wheel to open gate. Peg it through before gitface breaks free! easy, huh?
Citadel Gate
Talk to soldier. Follow street, run past beast. Climb step in green-lit area, climb low bit in north wall. Pull lever II. Climb southwest ledge, pull lever IIII. Drop down, pull levers I then III. Drop down south hole. Use crowbar as lever. Enter other hole, pull switch. Climb up, into new door. Running jump to rope, swing to south wall ledge. Running jump to left onto awning, then jump to next ledge. Leap to next roof, then climbable wall. Shimmy around corner, zigzag across street until you reach orange-lit alcove. Climb
in. Follow tunnel. Running jump across pit to right to reach jeep. Get nitro, leap over pit towards taxi. Run back to level start, leaping over fireballs. Talk to
Aziz, return to Chambers of
Tulun. Whew.
Chambers of Tulun
Go get bike, avoiding Big Dude again. Ride up ramp near where you left it to enter Trenches.
Enter tunnel behind tree. Follow street, killing blokey along the way. Crawl around back of gun
to gap in crates. Stand up, snipe tank on gun back to blow it up. Climb crates, jump to gap in north wall. At gap in left wall, crawl in. Kneecap bloke past end of tunnel, crawl through steam. Climb up, snipe back of gun and blokey. Go back out. At crawlspace on right, avoid steam, get code key. Come out, leap to crack, shimmy to
end, around corner. Drop down, kill bad men. Crowbar engine. Combine pipe with nitro. Go
back to bike, fit nitro. Head
back to Chambers of Tulun.
Chambers of Tulun
Ride to ravine. Nitro up big ramp into hole. Enter door, kill bad blokey. Slide down slope, enter northern tunnel. Get torch back
to big room. Run down slope by entrance. Open door at end. Kill blokey, light torch. Back to big room. Run up slope to door. Hold torch under sprinkler. Enter door, pull lever. Run back to torch room. Climb crate, running jump to ledge. Drop down. Shoot crates, shoot gate lock. Check hole. Fetch bike, back to Trenches again.
Go up green-lit stairs, climb east block. Grab trapdoor handle in ceiling. Climb in, follow tunnel. Blast stone in crack, shimmy around corners to ledge. Leap
to bars, Tarzan across street. Kill bad dude, unlock door with Roof Key. Running jump over street
to ledge. Shimmy left. Follow corridor. Snipe red button. Back
to bike. Head west, nitro up right-hand stairs, keeping left to make jump. Get off bike, climb east
wall to exit level.
Street Bazaar
Drop to floor. Get detonator. Grab handle from table. Go behind car, get jack body. Combine for car jack. Push red button, follow corridor. Climb ladder. Jump to monkey bars, swing right. Nip
into crawlspace to south. Use jack on south wall to open trapdoor. Climb onto roof. Push box behind lightning into alcove. Shove funneled machine into lightning. Cross bridge, running jump to ladder. Shimmy around corners, drop to ledge. Enter tunnel, descend holes. Enter crate room. Go down ramp to find mine codes. Go to crates in southeast corner and let bull charge you, leaping aside at last minute. Follow
tunnel to end level.
The Trenches
Nip back up ladder near where you left bike to bazaar area. Exit garage through east door. Follow street to north, exit by minefield. Combine detonator with codes, use detonator. Booooom! Push red button, retrieve bike. Drive around corner to exit.
Citadel Gate
Nitro, angling slightly right over pit. Save first! Speed back past Halitosis Boy before he burns
you up. Go find Aziz.
Free Jean. Head south to stairs in next room. Pull lever, grab torch. Light it. Burn rope back below. Drop into floor hole in first room, follow tunnel. In big cave, jump
to left ledge, then ledge beyond steps. Hang above small pool, drop and grab crack in wall. Shimmy along until another
crack is below you. Drop and grab. Repeat until you reach corridor. Crawl through, drop
into water, follow to next crawlspace. Drop to slopey
bit. Quickly! Backflip! Jump forward! Grab! Hang from north wall. Shimmy to alcove, running jump across room to south ledge. Climb steps, push lever. Drop
down hole, descend stairs.
In big room, push pedestals
onto circles corresponding to direction printed on top. Exit west. Follow tunnel, climb up, enter water. Swim south. Pull lever in ceiling. Go back, take north tunnel. Follow corridor back to compass room. Head east. Kill baddies, pull lever.
Back to compass room, go through north door, into water. Exit west. Pull lever. Swim through north exit. Leave water. Follow tunnel, yank chain to
open door. Head through, follow tunnels to crawlspace.
Drop into next room, avoiding Crusaders. Climb ramp. Stand
by barricade, wait for Crusaders to attack, then leap aside. Head through, climb up and follow
path past torches to escape.
Sphinx Complex
Run forward. Kill baddies, get key. Use key on lock. Running jump from ledges to pull both levers.
Go through new door.
Slide down to platform in
north pit. Jump to ledge. Leap
to northeast ramp, clamber up. Cross next pit in similar way. Kill bloke, enter door. Yank bookshelf out of the way to reveal airvent. Crawl through, kill bloke, bash switch. Shoot crates for blade.
Cross pits again, towards Sphinx front, crossing further
pits in same way as before. Head for tombstone between legs. Cross huge pit carefully. Kill ninjas, shoot crates to get handle. Combine with blade for shovel. Use platform to hop over leg
to tombstone. Dig in front of tombstone to open exit to
next level! mwahaha!
Underneath Sphinx
Run toward bull. Lure it into open room, pull lever to trap it. Repeat with the other. Get paper from skeleton. Read. Spell out AIQ on slabs on wall. Go through west gate. Leap pits. Be careful of concealed one down slope. Check alcoves with binoculars. Now go back to buttons. Spell out AQI - northwest gate opens. Enter,
leap pit. Take north crawlspace, turning left twice for Matt Stone. Take south crawlspace, turning left, right, left to find switch. Pull it, go back to stone buttons. Spell QIA. Enter southwest gate. Leap pit. Kill crocs. Pull switch on west wall to open gate. Check four holes in walls to open grate. Get stone, head for buttons. Spell IQA. Go to east door, jump pit. Press right switch on north wall, then right switch on east wall for stone. Back to tablets. Spell QAI. Enter southeast door. Jump pit
to flat platform on right, shimmy around corner to left. Jump into water. At junctions, go south, east, south until switch room. Pull switch. Head back north, west, up, up. Get air. Jump back in. This time go south, west, up. Pull switch. Head back east, up, up. Breathe! Go east, south, south, west, up. Pull switch. Go back west, up, east, up, up. Breathe.
Go north then east. Pull switch. Head back down then up. Last one! East then up. Yank lever, get stone. Head back west, up, up. Exit. Back to coloured alcove room. Put stones in slots. Go through gate, swing across pit.
In next room, grab Scripture on left, hop back and somersault sideways to get next one. Roll, get next one. Repeat manoeuvre to get last one, quickly! Run out. Walk straight across next big room to avoid losing legs. Then swing across chasm to victory.
Menkaure's Pyramid
Climb up southeast ledge. Hang from trapdoor. Head out. Kill giant scorpions with grenades. Running jump diagonally left across north ravine. Leap across pit in front of pyramid and head east. Jump
to south stone that faces big building. Slide, jump halfway down. Leap to safe ground. Enter building. Try and kill scorpion before guard dies - this way
you get Armoury Key as well as pyramid keys. Head out west. Hang from ledge to right of ravine, shimmy left around corner until you can't go further. Drop down. Climb pyramid using less-sloped blocks. On longer stable section, running jump to west, slide down to reach easy route up. Climb up, running jump to entrance when you see it. Unlock pyramid, enter.
Inside Menkaure's Pyramid
Avoid blades, head downstairs, snipe star in ceiling on way. Jump in coffin. Swing over pit. Take right fork, swing over, pull switch. Head back to other fork. Swingy-swingy. Climb up, kill guard. Pry key off wall. Head upstairs, enter passage. Hang from trapdoor. Climb out, kill scorpions. Take east path. Push button in alcove. Climb east pyramid. Climb down ladder inside top. Follow passage, leap pit. Grapple across next one. Jump over side of next two to avoid blades. Pull chain. Go back to passage on south wall. Swing across. Go through gate. Slide down slope, jump at last minute. Climb out into Sphinx Complex.
The Sphinx Complex
Platform hop over ravine to right of sphinx, heading south towards steel doors. Use guard keys on lock, pass through. Great, huh?
Check behind truck to north for petrol can. Take east passage. Enter north door, open trapdoor. Follow tunnel. Take east passage, shoot gems in lion mouths. Get small waterskin, head back to junction, take south tunnel. Climb out. Leap ravine to south. Shoot barricade, enter door and trapdoor. Deal with lion heads as before. Climb out. Open door, shoot barrier. At ravine, leap northwest twice. Enter trapdoor. Go west,
get torch. Go east, shoot lion heads. Fill waterskin from pool. Put water in left plate, petrol in middle, sand in right. Burn petrol with torch. Go west, get key. Enter other door, shoot lion heads. Take west tunnel for exit. Cross ravine by running jump northeast, running jump and grab south. Enter door and trapdoor. Follow tunnel out. Shoot barricade, enter door and trapdoor. Head east. Shoot lion heads. Use crowbar on right socket. Chase monkey to ledge - he'll open door. Get key from side room, enter other door, follow corridor to exit.
Great Pyramid
Climb out of tunnel. Kill baddie. Leap southwest over pit. Enter building, pass through doors. Ignore trapdoor, open next door. Leap ravine to pyramid. Slide down west. Leap west. Climb
up next few blocks. Jump east when you can't go further.
Watch out for boulders. Despite trying to kill you, these point
out useful routes. Jump east twice, climb one. Jump east three times, slide down. Zigzag over pit. Now carefully follow climbable blocks up pyramid. When there's nowhere else to
go, running jump west and
slide to safe platform. Continue upwards. Your aim is to slide
off the southwest corner to safety. Good luck!
Khufu's Queens Pyramids
Kill nasties. Get goodies from rooms - you need Armoury Key for one gate. At chasm, jump
to pillar on left. Running jump
to northwest. Avoid scorpion,
leap across chasm. Jump
south to next block. Climb up. Running jump north, DON'T
press Action. Standing jump northwest. Running jump over chasm. Running jump north. Push rubble west to end of
path. Enter pyramid. Open trapdoor, climb down. Turn
right at all intersections. Kill Guardian, get last key. Head
back north, east, north, west, north at junctions. Climb up. Leap chasm. Hop north again. Climb pyramid diagonally northeast. Use key on lock, enter.
Inside Great Pyramid
Stay left to leap pit. Head up east tunnel. Go between ramps. Jump as each trap reaches midpoint. Get torch from coffin, light torches. Pull switch in west alcove. Exit this area, climb the ramps. Put Shaft Keys in slots. Pull switch. Kill baddies. Head back to first corridor. Standing jump first pit. Running jump next. Standing jump again. Drop to ledge below, leap to gate. Climb carefully down shaft into corridor. Enter to begin final stage.
Temple of Horus
Get big waterskin. Fill, combine with small. Pour large into vase on scales. Climb down pits, avoiding blades. Empty both skins. Fill large one. Combine with small. Empty small. Combine large with small again. Fill large. Combine with small. Pour large into vase. Descend as before. Empty skins again. Fill small. Combine with large. Pour small into vase. Climb down shaft. Shimmy to ledge when you can. Leap north into water. Climb onto island. Use Scriptures on pedestals. Aaaiee! Scary Horus! Jump into water. Find Amulet then head up west slope. Pull switch. Climb northeast slope. Pull switch. Go back to first slope. Leap east to solid ground. Work your way up the room using ledges. Running jump to left of stalactite. Leap to crawlspace, crawl through. Follow ledges. Jump to climbable wall. Shimmy into light (this protects you from Horus) and climb up. Head through gate. Avoid block traps as earlier. Stay at side to avoid falling pillars. Slide down slope, leap to next ledge. Running jump next two. Run away! Finish the game! Cheer! Weep at pitiful ending!